Thursday, 3 June 2010

La Spaziale s5 manual

The biggest thing that winds me up when buying something is when you discover there’s no instruction manual in the box. Just the other day I bought some studio lighting costing well over a grand and they didn’t have any instruction manual but alas google came to the rescue. A few tinternet searches later pointed me to a YouTube tutorial and my plans to go back to the shop and taser the salesman was binned.

Coffee machines can also come without instruction manuals or the person who likes to hog all the info in the office has scurried off with the only copy. But call me a La Spaziale s5 coffee machine hero I’ve just posted the manual here -

So if you're looking for a La Spaziale s5 manual your search is over and if the Italian company who makes them would like to invite me over to Italy for an all expenses paid visit I’m available next week ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Coffee machines can also come without instruction manuals or the person who likes to hog all the info in the office has scurried off with the only copy. delonghi esam3300 esclusivo magnifica
