Tuesday, 22 June 2010

La Spaziale espresso coffee machine goes bling

Bling fashion used to be the preserve of hip hop jewellery but no more. La Spaziale espresso coffee machine makers have launched a gold version of there S5 range. No doubt fifty cent may be tempted to wear one around his neck to accompany his fully iced Louis Moinet time piece but weighing in at 80kg even his 50inch neck may struggle.

It seams bling fashion seams to be making the headlines of late which is curious considering the backdrop of Tory cuts announced by George Osborne.

A solid gold Buggatti Veyron sports car figurine was announced recently weighing in at a till shattering 2.9 million, bizarrely more expensive than its four wheeled life size counterpart. Even the tv sitcom The Royale Family featured a golden egg cup in the repeat on tv last night.

So next time you watch a hip hop video don’t be too surprised if you see a La Spaziale coffee machine taking centre stage.

La Spaziale gold espresso coffee machine

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