Friday, 25 June 2010

Who’s the latte art king of York?

Gordon Howell, King of Latte Art?Who’s the latte art King of York?
“Starbucks verses independent café Harlequin, let the games begin!”

If you've ever visited the medieval town of York UK you've probably done at least one if not all of the following three things :

  • Visited the Minster
  • The Viking Museum
  • Sat in a café
I live in York and whilst I’ve done all three of the above I've definitely had more coffees than visited the Minster or Viking museum. But I’ve noticed something rather disappointing and its this. Very few Cafés offer latte art. For the un initiated latte art is the skill of drawing pretty shapes into the froth of milk, a Rosetta or Love heart are amongst the classics.

So the question is just how many Cafés in York UK offer latte art? Well I can tell you after a 20 minute ring around it's not a lot. Here's who does not:

  • Café Concerto
  • Betty's
  • Cafe Rouge
  • Orgasmic Cafe Bar
  • The Living room
  • Victor J's "The Art Bar"
  • Goji Cafe & Deli
And here’s who does:

  • Costa coffee
  • Starbucks
  • Independent Café Harlequin
Interestingly when i called Starbucks, York and asked, "Do you offer latte Art?" They replied "yes, we can do the Rosetta and heart on flat whites". Impressive not only did the staff member know exactly what i was talking about they also volunteered they offer two patterns.

Privately i was a little disappointed, i cynically hoped only the independent Cafés would be au fait with latte art and this would be another corporate bashing coffee chain post applauded by Michael Moore but not so.

I only came across one independent York Café that was regularly sketching latte art and wowing the beret wearing espresso aficionados. That Café is the Harlequin Café overlooking Kings square the famous hunting ground for street entertainers.

I was hoping to visit the Café today but lack of sleep from my neighbour banging out house tunes last night till 3pm sucked out all my energy so I called Café Harlequin instead and spoke with Gordon Howell, head Barista.

Interview begins.

Q. Hi Gordon. Latte art, do you do it
A. Yes we regularly pour Rosetta's, hearts and the tulip.

Q. The Tulip?
A. Yes it's one of the toughest to crack, a lot of pouring on then off makes this one a particularly difficult one to master.

Q. Why do you think latte art is the new buzz word
A. Its a point of difference, a cafe that can crack latte art and offer it regularly will naturally create a consumer buzz and a consumer buzz leads to commercial success.

Q. Why do you think latte art is not more commonplace in York
A. Its all down individual Barista's passion, the equipment and the workplace culture.

Q. Workplace culture?
A. If a cafe doesn’t invest in a top end espresso equipment they cant produce quality textured milk a critical component of free pour latte art. If a cafe has a high staff turnover they wont risk investing in costly latte art training.

Q. I've heard Cravendale milk is a top choice for a Barista aficionado how true.
A. The advantage of Cravendale is that its double filtered so it just lasts longer which can reduce waist. But I use local fresh, full fat milk and semi which works better for frothing.

Q. What’s your view on etched latte art.
A. I’m a free pour latte art man myself so don’t have a strong opinion about it except to say it’s very exciting to watch at competition level. But let me say this about latte art (Gordon’s tone turns more serious)… its all smoke and mirrors, you have to get the espresso perfected first, the espresso is the heart of the coffee, get that right first, don’t don't cut corners.

Q. Can i come in one day and take photographs of your latte art and compare it to Starbucks efforts.
A. Yes bring it on...

Interview ends.

How exciting I suddenly feel like the famous food critic AA Gill but hopefully I won’t be served the same fate he encountered when he sat in the ill fated Michelin starred London eatery. Before Gill got his first mouthful enfant terrible Gordon Ramsey stormed over and delivered a firm verbal kick in his rear. If this happens to me mind I promise I’ll still write the post even if it is from a hospital bed ;-)

“Raise your game, deliver latte art rent espresso coffee machines
"Hey Barista! any chance you could stop banging on...."

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

La Spaziale espresso coffee machine goes bling

Bling fashion used to be the preserve of hip hop jewellery but no more. La Spaziale espresso coffee machine makers have launched a gold version of there S5 range. No doubt fifty cent may be tempted to wear one around his neck to accompany his fully iced Louis Moinet time piece but weighing in at 80kg even his 50inch neck may struggle.

It seams bling fashion seams to be making the headlines of late which is curious considering the backdrop of Tory cuts announced by George Osborne.

A solid gold Buggatti Veyron sports car figurine was announced recently weighing in at a till shattering 2.9 million, bizarrely more expensive than its four wheeled life size counterpart. Even the tv sitcom The Royale Family featured a golden egg cup in the repeat on tv last night.

So next time you watch a hip hop video don’t be too surprised if you see a La Spaziale coffee machine taking centre stage.

La Spaziale gold espresso coffee machine

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

La Cimbali cleaning instructions enlightens worker

I would like to share two behavioural truths about office workers. Firstly they like to gossip and secondly they don’t like cleaning coffee machines. Our office is lucky to have a La Cimbali bean to cup coffee machine and I’m the only who cleans it well I thought I was cleaning it until I read the official cleaning guide from La Cimbali, whoops, forgive me Kim & Aggie. Thankfully my errant cleaning ways hasn’t knowingly caused any upset stomachs but from hence forth I’ll be cleaning a few more nooks and crannies courtesy of the official La Cimabali M1 coffee machine.

Get a copy right here –

Thursday, 3 June 2010

La Spaziale s5 manual

The biggest thing that winds me up when buying something is when you discover there’s no instruction manual in the box. Just the other day I bought some studio lighting costing well over a grand and they didn’t have any instruction manual but alas google came to the rescue. A few tinternet searches later pointed me to a YouTube tutorial and my plans to go back to the shop and taser the salesman was binned.

Coffee machines can also come without instruction manuals or the person who likes to hog all the info in the office has scurried off with the only copy. But call me a La Spaziale s5 coffee machine hero I’ve just posted the manual here -

So if you're looking for a La Spaziale s5 manual your search is over and if the Italian company who makes them would like to invite me over to Italy for an all expenses paid visit I’m available next week ;-)